Rating System

Here you will find my rating system and how I rate my book reviews. Also included is my current review policy along with my disclosure for the FCC.

I definitely see myself as a nit picker, but
that's because I know what I like
and what I don't!

So here is the rating system I use:

 I absolutely loved the book. I was so lost in the story I could barely put it down. I sacrificed sleep and may even have ignored my kids and husband to finish the book and even then it haunted me long after the final page.

A great read. Memorable and highly entertaining. Recommended, but for whatever reason, not the all consuming experience that I feel characterizes a five star book. Maybe one or two minor issues.  

A solid reading experience. Enjoyable, well-written and satisfying. Marked by three or four issues, all-in-all not too shabby.  Most books rank on this level for me. I'm just a middle of the  road type person.

 Flawed execution or just not for me. Generally these are books that don't speak to my interests or fail to draw me in. 

Red flagged as a waste of time. These are the ones I had to literally force myself to finish or I didn't finish at all.

{I would like to note these ratings are very broad and a five star rating in one genre is not necessarily comparable to a five star rating in another. Also, these ratings reflect only my personal taste. They are not meant to insult or degrade the authors or their work and should only be interpreted as a expression of my personal opinion.}  

I cannot take credit for this extremely well written rating system for it belongs to Erin @ Flashlight Commentary. But I did make some changes to the description of the 5 star rating adding something more me than a lunch break!

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